Laundry Water Treatment
The laundry industry relies on large quantities of water to operate. Municipal water used in laundry appliances is not always the best quality. This water can contain calcium or magnesium which can create lime scale on heating elements, fixtures and other water using equipment. Water containing magnesium and calcium is known as “hard” water.
Hard water coming into your laundry facility can have a dramatic effect on everything it touches. Hard water contains calcium or magnesium that can deposit in plumbing, fixtures and heating elements in water using appliances. These deposits are known as lime scale. Lime scale can reduce the efficiency of heating elements in boilers and water heaters when the elements become coated over time. The increased effort required to heat water leads to higher energy costs and eventually equipment failure. A water softener can eliminate the scale deposits resulting in decreased energy costs and longer lasting appliances. Hard water also reduces the efficiency of detergent. This means a lot more detergent is required to do perform optimally. Soft water can drastically increase the effectiveness of detergents, resulting in huge savings for the car wash. Hard water also makes clothes wear a lot more quickly. Soft water will increase the life of your clothes, giving your customers brighter, newer looking clothes.